Life insurance is something you do for your dependents. Making sure that you have the right amount of coverage throughout your life means that you will probably have to update your coverage several times. At The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA we will work with you to make sure that you get updates at the right time and for the right amount.
When should you update your life insurance?
When you change employment
Many types of employment provide some type of life insurance as a benefit of the job. They decide how much you can get. It is always in your best interest to hold the keys to your life insurance within your own control. It is good to have employment life insurance, but it is better to have your own.
When you get married
When you add a spouse to your life, you now have a dependent. Your spouse may be self-supporting, but chances are you have a mortgage and if owning a home requires two incomes, you need to make sure that you provide your income even when you are not there.
When you start a family
Children are a long-term investment in the future and making sure that they are cared for if something was to happen to you. It is important that they can stay in the home that they know and the place they know. You may also want to make sure that their college is taken care of.
When you retire
Once children are grown and have flown the nest, you need to reassess the amount of life insurance that is required to protect your spouse, pay off any debt you may have, and your final expenses.
Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs Today
When things in your life change, don’t hesitate to call The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA to make sure your life insurance is up to date.