Do I Need Full Coverage Car Insurance?

Full coverage car insurance, also known as collision and comprehensive coverage, provides full protection for your vehicle. At The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA, we offer full coverage car insurance.

What is Full Coverage Insurance?

Full coverage insurance will cover damage to your vehicle if an accident is ruled your fault or no fault. Liability coverage, however, covers damage to other vehicles if an accident is your fault.

Full coverage has two parts. The first and most well-known is collision insurance, which covers your vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident while you’re driving.

Comprehensive coverage covers damage that occurs while your vehicle is not moving, including vandalism and theft. For example, comprehensive coverage will cover the repairs if someone breaks a car window and ruins your paint job.

Am I Required to Have Full Coverage?

First, you’ll need to know if you are required to have full coverage insurance. If you have a loan or lien on your vehicle, the lender will typically require you to have full coverage insurance.

If you don’t have a loan on the vehicle, you aren’t required to have full coverage. Legally, you are required to have liability insurance in Pennsylvania, but you aren’t required by law to have full coverage.

Can I Afford to Replace or Repair My Vehicle?

The next question you should ask yourself is whether you can afford to repair or replace your damaged vehicle. Full coverage insurance is good if you can’t afford to replace the vehicle.

Full Coverage Car Insurance at The Sirover Agency LLC

If you are looking for car insurance in Wayne, PA, contact The Sirover Agency LLC. Our knowledgeable agents are here to help you select the best policy for your unique needs.