Building equity with permanent life insurance

If you live in the Wayne, PA, area and have not built your life insurance program, we invite you to start at The Sirover Agency LLC. At Sirover, we help our clients become better consumers by assisting them in better understanding how insurance works.

There are two basic forms of life insurance: term insurance, which protects the insured for a specific period, and permanent or whole life insurance.

Whole life insurance covers the insured for as long as premiums are paid. Another aspect of permanent life insurance is that it can build equity.

While permanent life insurance is usually more expensive on a cost-per-thousand basis, its ability to build value over time can be important for various reasons.

Making it Easier to Save

The savings element of permanent insurance makes it easier to set aside money while providing important life insurance coverage.

Equity Can Be Tapped into the Future

As a permanent insurance policy builds equity over time, the equity can be accessed for opportunities or emergencies. It can be tapped into through a policy loan or by cashing it in for its value.

It Continues to Build Value

A permanent life insurance policy continues to build value as long as premiums are paid. This continues to build its value as long as you pay for it.

Is it Right for You?

If you live in the Wayne, PA, area and want to determine if permanent or term life insurance is best for you, contact us at The Sirover Agency LLC.

We can discuss your goals, needs, and budget and help you quickly build equity in your life insurance policy.

Contact us today.

How Term Life Insurance Works

Life insurance is a crucial form of protection that most individuals need to ensure their loved ones’ financial security after they are gone. Typically, there are two primary types of life insurance: term life and whole life. The functioning of term life and whole life insurance is quite distinct, and each brings its own set of pros and cons. While many favor term life insurance due to its specific advantages, both policy types have the potential to provide a substantial legacy for those you love. For further insights on term life insurance, feel free to contact us at The Sirover Agency LLC, in Wayne, PA.

Understanding the Term Concept

A prominent feature of term life insurance is its coverage duration, known as the term. The policy is referred to as "term life" because it offers protection only for a specific term, typically a set number of years, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. Some people are content with having insurance for a specific term, while others who seek continuous coverage might opt for a whole life policy, which does not have a term limit. Once your term life insurance policy’s term expires, the insurance coverage ceases, and you would need to secure a new policy to continue coverage.

The Top Advantage

A significant advantage of term life insurance policies is their cost-efficiency. When budget constraints an individual seeking life insurance, term life policies are often chosen because they are usually more affordable than whole life policies. This affordability can enable people to acquire the necessary coverage even when operating on a tight budget.

Securing Term Life Insurance

Ensuring you have life insurance is always a wise decision. If you are interested in a term policy, do not hesitate to call us at The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA.

I’m almost retired, have no children or spouse, and own my own home. Do I need life insurance?

Deciphering the Significance of Life Insurance in Wayne, PA

Life insurance is a significant financial safety net, especially for those who want to avoid burdening their loved ones with post-mortem expenses. This becomes more critical if you have any debts or assets, such as a mortgage, which could leave your family with considerable financial stress. Here at The Sirover Agency LLC, we’re committed to helping Wayne, PA residents understand all the benefits of life insurance.

What Does Life Insurance Entail?

Life insurance accommodates life expenses, funeral fees, and more. It can be purchased for a designated time frame or your entire lifetime. You pay a monthly fee to maintain coverage and can designate beneficiaries who will receive a lump sum of money upon your death. These funds could be used to cover a mortgage, car note, daily expenditures, debts, or more. Still, the beneficiaries have complete freedom in money expenditure.

Do I Need Life Insurance If I Don’t Have a Spouse or Kids and I’m Nearly Retired?

Life insurance provides profound financial benefits regardless of your living situation. Even if you own all your assets outright, life insurance can cover burial costs and protect your estate. However, a consultation with an insurance agent is vital to work out your best insurance strategy. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us.

Tricks for Finding Great Life Insurance

The Sirover Agency LLC can help Wayne, PA, residents like you find life insurance that suits your needs. We know this protection can seem intimidating to many people, but it’s critical for many reasons. Here are a few tips to help you handle this process more effectively. 

Shop Around

Take your time shopping around for your policy before buying one. Just because you have insurance from one provider doesn’t mean you have to go with them for life insurance. Try to find someone specializing in policies that work specifically for people like you.

Consider Laddering Policies 

What’s interesting about life insurance is that you can consider laddering your policies to mitigate your financial debt. In other words, you choose policies that change as you age, covering different spans and problems. It’s an intelligent choice but requires a little research and a lot of help from your agent.

Add Chronic Illness Riders 

Did you know that you can add a chronic illness rider to your policy that lets you draw some of your benefits while you’re still alive? This coverage option isn’t always well understood but is worth considering if you have a chronic disease that needs help occasionally. 

Understand Accelerated Death Benefits 

If you add an accelerated death rider to your policy, you can get access to the death benefit of your policy if you contract a terminal illness. Along with your chronic illness protection, this step should help to provide you with the support you need for your insurance shopping. 

Get the Help You Need 

When you work with our team at The Sirover Agency LLC, you can choose a life insurance policy to help your Wayne, PA, family bounce back after you pass. That’s a huge benefit that you can’t ignore. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about this protection option for your family’s needs.

What Expenses Will Life Insurance Cover?

Life insurance is an important financial tool that provides protection and financial security for your loved ones in the event of your passing. It offers a safety net that can help cover various expenses and obligations during the challenging time that follows the death of a loved one. The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA is here to help. 

Understanding which expenses life insurance can cover is essential for making informed decisions about your coverage.

  1. Funeral and Burial Costs: One of the immediate expenses that life insurance can cover is funeral and burial costs. These expenses can include funeral services, casket or urn expenses, burial plot costs, cremation fees, and memorial services.
  2. Outstanding Debts: Life insurance can also help settle any outstanding debts or liabilities you leave behind, such as mortgages, car loans, credit card debts, and personal loans. This prevents your loved ones from being burdened with these expenses.
  3. Daily Living Expenses: Life insurance can provide a source of income replacement for your family if you are the primary breadwinner. It can help cover everyday living expenses such as mortgage or rent payments, utilities, and groceries.
  4. Education Costs: If you have children or dependents pursuing education, life insurance can be used to fund their educational expenses, including school tuition, books, and other related costs.
  5. Estate Taxes: In some cases, your estate might be subject to taxes upon your passing. Life insurance can be used to cover these estate taxes, ensuring that your beneficiaries receive the intended amount of inheritance.
  6. Medical Bills and Final Medical Expenses: If you have medical bills or any medical expenses related to your final illness, life insurance can help cover these costs, alleviating any financial burden on your family.
  7. Charitable Donations: If you regularly make charitable donations or have specific philanthropic commitments, life insurance can be used to ensure that these contributions continue even after you’re gone.

In most cases, you can use life insurance funds to cover any expense, but it’s important to note that the specific expenses covered by your life insurance policy depend on the type of policy.

To secure your life insurance policy today, visit The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA today.

Life Insurance Statistics for 2023

At The Sirover Agency LLC, serving the greater Wayne, PA community, we understand that life insurance can seem complicated. However, it doesn’t have to be. Let’s take a look at the life insurance statistics for 2023. 

Who Has Life Insurance 

75% of Americans have some life insurance. Women are more likely than men not to have life insurance, with 22% of women and 11% of men without life insurance. 

Factors that Affect Premiums 

Many people are unaware that factors unrelated to health can affect their premiums. Only 35% were aware that their driving record can impact their premiums. 29% were aware that their credit history could be considered. 23% knew that bankruptcy can affect their premiums. 

Why People Get Life Insurance 

Most Americans see life insurance as a way to protect their family from outstanding debts. 64% of white Americans, compared to 37% of African Americans, agreed with this view.  

22% of African Americans and 8% of whites saw life insurance as a way to pass on generational wealth. 

Financial Security 

Less than half of those without life insurance feel financially secure, compared to 68% of those with life insurance. The number increases even more when considering those with a personal and employer life insurance policy, 78% of these individuals feel financially secure. 

The number of people who fear they don’t have enough life insurance has increased by more than two times since 2010. 

44% of households would have serious financial difficulties within six months if they lost their primary income. 28% would be in dire financial straits within one month. 

Get This Important Coverage Today

If you need life insurance in the greater Wayne, PA region, or you are wondering if you have the right coverage, contact us at The Sirover Agency LLC. Our friendly agents will work with you to make sure that you get the best policy for your needs. 

When should you update your life insurance?

Life insurance is something you do for your dependents. Making sure that you have the right amount of coverage throughout your life means that you will probably have to update your coverage several times. At The Sirover Agency LLC in  Wayne, PA we will work with you to make sure that you get updates at the right time and for the right amount. 

When should you update your life insurance?

When you change employment

Many types of employment provide some type of life insurance as a benefit of the job. They decide how much you can get. It is always in your best interest to hold the keys to your life insurance within your own control. It is good to have employment life insurance, but it is better to have your own. 

When you get married

When you add a spouse to your life, you now have a dependent. Your spouse may be self-supporting, but chances are you have a mortgage and if owning a home requires two incomes, you need to make sure that you provide your income even when you are not there. 

When you start a family

Children are a long-term investment in the future and making sure that they are cared for if something was to happen to you. It is important that they can stay in the home that they know and the place they know. You may also want to make sure that their college is taken care of. 

When you retire

Once children are grown and have flown the nest, you need to reassess the amount of life insurance that is required to protect your spouse, pay off any debt you may have, and your final expenses. 

Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs Today

When things in your life change, don’t hesitate to call The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA to make sure your life insurance is up to date. 

How much life insurance is enough?

Life insurance is different from most other kinds of insurance. It isn’t about protecting you, it is about protecting your loved ones. It is no easy task to determine the amount of life insurance that will make you feel comfortable, but it can be done. At The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA, we take our roles as independent insurance agents seriously. We are in a position to offer more insurance products from a variety of carriers. 

How much life insurance is enough?

Your stage of life

Part of determining how much life insurance is enough is to take your stage of life into consideration. When you are young and have no dependents, you probably need very little life insurance. As you age and buy a house, get married, and have children, your insurance needs grow exponentially. After the children leave home and you retire, your life insurance needs also decrease. 

Your income

It seems self-evident that the amount of income you make and your family uses will have an effect on the amount of life insurance you will need to replace that income. 

Your lifestyle

Everyone has different needs and what you consider a normal amount of expenditure may seem excessive or lacking to someone else. You need to take a good look at your budget. 

Your dependents

The number and age of your dependents is a major factor in how much life insurance is enough. If you have young children, you may need to provide for them for many years. If you have more than one child, that also adds to your needs. If your spouse is a stay-at-home spouse, that also needs to be considered. 

Give Us A Call

Taking all of these things into consideration, you should be able to come up with a figure. Contact The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA in person or on the phone to discuss your life insurance and how much is enough for you. 

Why Should I Invest in Life Insurance?

Many people fail to see the benefits of life insurance. Life insurance is something that can create peace of mind. It can provide money for your loved ones in the event of your timely or untimely death. There are different types of life insurance that suit different needs, wants, and preferences of those who choose to invest in it. However, regardless of the type of insurance you choose to invest in, there are many benefits. Our team at The Sirover Agency LLC is dedicated to educating and guiding the Wayne, PA community about the ABCs of life insurance. 

What Is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is simply the type of policy that pays a specific sum of money in the event of your death or after a set period of time. It’s a contract between the insurance company and the policyholder. The insurance company pays specified people money in the event of a death or after a set amount of time. A life insurance contract may allow a beneficiary to collect payment in instances of terminal illness or critical illness.  Life insurance payments are usually made to beneficiaries like a wife/husband or children.

What is a good age to get life insurance?

Life insurance is the most affordable when you are in your 20s. You can purchase affordable term life insurance during your younger years and lock in great rates. Young people pose less of a health risk to insurance companies because younger people generally have fewer health issues than older people. In essence, you’re purchasing insurance earlier than you need it, more than likely. However, doing this makes life insurance more affordable. 

Other Important Points…

When a life insurance beneficiary receives a payout, these payouts are tax-free as well as estate-tax-free. The cash accumulated during your life insurance is tax-deferred. Life insurance can also replace your income if you pass away. This money is often used to pay for a funeral or other bills. Our team at The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA is committed to helping our Wayne PA residents understand life insurance and its many benefits.

Life insurance FAQs

Life insurance can be confusing. It’s not like you can just take a course about how much you should have and the different types that are available. You have to count on your insurance agent to give you the information you need to make an educated decision.  You may have questions and hopefully, we will give you the answers you need in this post. At The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA we are proactive in servicing the needs of our customers. We believe in the need to keep your insurance updated to meet your current needs. 

Is there a best time to purchase life insurance? 

The ideal time in terms of price is when you are young and healthy. However, it is the time when you will probably feel you need life insurance the least. Don’t let that deter you, think long term. The whole life is what you might want to focus on at this point in a lifetime financial plan. 

Whole life versus term life, what do I need?

The reality is you need both. Term life has a term. You don’t want to purchase it too soon when it really isn’t needed. It is less expensive and is best suited to protecting your children during their childhood. Whole life will be with you throughout your entire life, and it earns dividends that allow you to borrow from it if the need arises. 

Do I need to buy my own life insurance if I get some from work?

Does your employer know exactly how much life insurance you need to protect your family?  Do you plan to stay with this employer for your entire work life?  Life insurance is something best left to you to control. Accept your employer’s policy as a nice addition but not your primary coverage.  

Contact The Sirover Agency LLC in Wayne, PA for all your life insurance needs.